The phenomenology of Husserl has really made me realise that this ideology is most suited to my research plan. Mostly because it reflects my research project and my learners that will be interviewed, after all, I will be interviewing those learners of varying experiences, all of whom will carry a different insight and thought. Husserl believes that we ‘behold the living experiences of others through the perception of their bodily behaviour.’ After observing the learners across my different classes, I have hand picked a small selection of individuals that are at different points in their career; those approaching A Level, those approaching University and an adult learner, all offering a different perspective to the research.
My research will adopt a non - positivist approach, echoed via the thoughts of Husserl as this enables me to get to grips with the experience of my learners, learning from and through them. It will be interesting to hear a range of responses that may possibly link to ideas and suggestions that I hadn't thought about. I also wonder whether this research project will enable my learners to take their summative feedback (from exams and competitions) a little more seriously as a mark of progression and to use this feedback to improve and progress.
Ethics is an area that I had to understand in further detail, I have handed out forms for my principal and parents to sign to consent to their children being part of this project. I have to take into consideration presenting my learners as subjects in order to protect their identity, and I have also read the Data Protection Act (1998) to make sure I understand how long it is appropriate to store details for. There is definitely more to be considered and learnt about ethics in qualitative research...the reading continues.
Data Protection Act, 1998.
Husserl, E, 1931. Husserl
Ideas. Oxford: Routledge.