I am currently looking into the next step of my research proposal in terms of the methodology.
Coming from a non - positivist approach will enable me to collect information in the form of interviews. The interviews will be personal to that learners experience and expertise and therefore will form qualitative data and also echoes a non - positivist approach. Furthermore, I am looking for individual responses from those who are 'in the know' therefore, quantitative data will not suit my research plan and ideas.
This week, I have been looking at, how this will benefit the learners being interviewed? I have selected from learners across different ages and of varying levels and abilities. I considered how this will benefit my younger learners (those aged 14), my middle group of learners (those aged 17, pre University) and one learner who is an adult and experienced learner. I believe my research may support these learners who are looking at moving forwards for a dance career, will examinations and competitions benefit their career choices as a dancer? I would really like them to reflect on the reports they have had so far, these learners have not yet undertaken exams but regularly participate in competitions...do they read their reports? Do they reflect on them? and most importantly do they use this type of summative assessment to reflect on their feedback? If not, then the process almost seems pointless. If learners are not aiming to correct their mistakes or to improve from feedback they are given then how can their progress be measured? As they participate in competitions regularly, is it of all importance that they are receiving feedback from one person in the form of an adjudicator or judge? Does this actually mean anything? Or is this just classed as one individual's personal choice and perhaps on a different day, in front of a different adjudicator the results may be very different. For my adult learner, I feel she can speak from the role of someone who has entered competitions and undertaken exams where I feel her opinion will be very valuable to my project. Although to be part of the research may not me of much benefit to her of which I anticipate may be a problem, I believe she would like to move across to teach at some point and therefore may be of use to any future plans she may / may not pursue.
Examinations are currently in the process of being taught at this school, it appears clear that learners are not as keen on exam lessons as they are choreography and performance! I come to question whether examinations are more important than competitions due to the fact they are linked to a qualifications board, therefore, they carry some kind of recognition. Does it stand for more as a person if you are undertaking exams as you are showing that commitment to a longer term project that requires you to develop skill, technique, musicality, muscle memory as well as performance? Yes these lessons are more 'rigid' in their approach but is this somewhat better for discipline and accuracy throughout exercises? On the other hand, are exams actually a good thing as only certain criteria is being assessed?
Any thoughts are welcomed : - )
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